Dana Delany is still around. She plays a federal investigator on two episode of Castle.

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Castle Season 2 Episode 17: "Boom"
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Castle Season 2 Episode 17 Quotes

Castle: If something were to happen to me I want you to watch out for Alexis. She looks up to you, and if a worth man would get frisky you can shoot them.
Beckett: Nothing is gonna happen to you.
Castle: But if it does...?
Beckett: Ok.
Castle: And would you also go into my closet and get rid of my porn collection before she finds it?
Esposito: Don't worry, Bro. I got you covered in that.

Castle: Are you in any pain?
Beckett: Well, not nearly as much as you. It's killing you, isn't it?
Castle: What?
Beckett: Having to wait this long to tell me how you banged down the door.
Castle: You want me to start from the beginning?