Where has Jellybean gone? The Jones family is panicking after the Gargoyle King and Kurtz have kidnapped her.

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The CW
The CW
Riverdale Season 3 Episode 19: "Chapter Fifty-Four: Fear the Reaper"
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Riverdale Season 3 Episode 19 Quotes

Fred: Son, from everything you said, it’s clear that Randy died from those drugs. An autopsy will support that you’re innocent.
Archie: But I’m not, Dad!
[Awkward pause]
Archie: I knew! I knew Randy was juicing. I could’ve stopped the fight, but I didn’t want to forfeit. If I ... I’m never stepping into that ring ever again. I can’t.
[Archie walks away]

Gladys: I’m the new Fizzle Rocks dealer in Riverdale, and Kurtz used to work for me before he lost his damn mind.
FP: What? [He turns to Jughead] And you knew about this, Boy?!
Gladys: Don’t blame him. I told him not to say anything because I wanted to keep you out of it. I did it to protect you, to protect the family.
FP: How’s that working for Jellybean?! Huh?! You are the reason that this psycho kidnapped our daughter! You brought this into our lives!
Jughead: Dad.
FP: I’ve heard enough! I’ve heard enough! We need to finish this damn game and bring Jellybean back home safe and sound. But there will be a reckoning.