Sansa looks quite scared in this photo, but she is prepared to die for what she believes in? Will Brienne and Pod arrive in time to help her?

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Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 10: "Mother's Mercy"
Sansa Stark
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Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 10 Quotes

Brienne: In the name of Renly of House Baratheon, first of his name, rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to die. Do you have any last words?
Stannis: Go on, do your duty.

Jaime: My point is, we don't choose whom we love. It just well... it's beyond our control. I sound like an idiot.
Myrcella: No you don't.
Jaime: What I'm trying to say. What I'm trying and failing to say...
Myrcella: I know what you're trying to say.
Jaime: No, I'm afraid you don't.
Myrcella: I do. I know about you and mother. I think a part of me always knew and I'm glad. I'm glad that you are my father.