Hijack Season 1 Episode 7 -- Brace Brace Brace -- Idris Elba

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Hijack Season 1 Episode 7: "Brace Brace Brace"
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Hijack Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Person 1: It's always gonna be more to this. It had to be? If you wanna break two men out of prison, whoever they may be, you don't need to hijack an airline. You just kidnap the governor or a guard. Now, this here is known as a bear raid. Bear is in the animal. Yeah, there was a major short trade made at the moment. So. They hijacked the plane, then leak it to the media. Not a major outlet, of that we've put under blackout, but some trigger-happy financial journal who goes straight onto Twitter, and before you know it, shares in Kingdom Airline are falling faster than the plane itself.
Person 2: But if the share price is dropping, don't you lose money?
Person 1: Not if you bet the other way.
Home Secretary: Exactly.

Daniel: Kai. Are you OK, Kai? Listen, if you can hear me, there's some serious stuff going on, but I'm on my way over there. You're at your dad's? Yeah, I'm coming over there now, OK.
Kai: No.
Daniel: Kai, your mother wants me to come over there now.
Kai: No, no, please, I'm OK. I'm coming home anyway. I'm gonna get on my bike. One was on this morning. The bike that I was on this morning, I'm gonna ride as fast as I can. I'm coming back home.
Daniel: OK, mate. You ride sensibly. Make sure no one pulls you over, OK?