Floyd rushes his patient to surgery while the rest of the hospital fights a mysterious infection outbreak.

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New Amsterdam
New Amsterdam Season 4 Episode 10: "Death Is The Rule. Life Is The Exception"
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New Amsterdam Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

Leyla: How much did you spend?
Lauren: That's the best part. Zero dollars. It was a gift from Max.
Leyla: No, how much did you spend to buy my residency?
Lauren: Where did you hear that?
Leyla: Answer the question. How big was your bribe?
Lauren: I didn't bribe. I didn't bribe anyone. I didn't. All I did was try to make a donation.
Leyla: A donation that happened to get your girlfriend a non-existent residency at New Amsterdam?

Max: I'm just trying to do something nice for the people that I love the most in the place that I love the most one last time!
Floyd: Max, I'm gonna level with you. The gift is beyond beautiful.
Max: So-
Floyd: It's just that the only gift that people want is for you to stay.