Rose and Sage are dressed up for their charity luncheon for Cuba. Sage especially is dressed with a little Spanish flair.

Photo Credit:
The CW
Privileged Season 1 Episode 13: "All About What Lies Beneath"
Sage Baker, Rose Baker
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Privileged Photos, Privileged Season 1 Episode 13 Photos, Sage Baker Photos, Rose Baker Photos
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Privileged Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Will: So what happened tonight? You got pretty enthusiastic with the vodka
Megan: That was not the plan
Will: There was a plan?
Megan: Well yeah. I thought we'd, you know, have a few drinks, get a little loosely goosey. I kept drinking when you kept drinking and you're much bigger than I am and all of a sudden I got very loose very fast.

Megan: Will's a playboy right?
Marco: Generally speaking, absolutely
Megan: So why isn't he playing me? I'm ready to go. Wearing to go. Every night's the same -- just when we get to the good part he says "oh it's getting late" or "I have an early tennis match." I mean who plays that much tennis?