TC and Syd have been reunited and they sure do look happy to see each other! They've been through a lot together, and we're just happy she's alive.

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The Night Shift
The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 2: "Off the Rails"
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The Night Shift Photos, The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 2 Photos
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The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Jordan: Dear God man, do you even think before you shoot? First of all, Drew is a hero for what he did out there. And second, if you want Paul to come back you need to stop getting in my way by picking fights.
Julian: He hasn't committed yet?
Jordan, No, and he's not going to if you don't stop trying to show him that you're his boss.
Julian: But I am his boss, Jordan. So get him where I'm at, and if you can't, then our deal's off.

Jordan: You're going to need an operation to remove your lips from that man's butt.
Scott: Look, I don't like him either, but he's a necessary evil.
Jordan: So, what? Pucker up, buttercup?