Morgan returns to King County on Fear the Walking Dead. "King County" is the fourth episode of the show's eighth season.

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Fear the Walking Dead
Fear the Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 4: "King County"
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Fear the Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 4 Quotes

Jenny was always outside. She would wander back here most nights. I don't know if it's 'cause she heard us in here or she could smell us, but I would... I'd sit and wait. I wanted to put her to rest, didn't want Duane to have to see his mother like that. A man named Rick Grimes gave me this rifle to do right by her, and I... never could. I don't know. I must have... come back here after Duane died.


Grace: This is exactly what I was doing when we first met.
Morgan: No. You were burying your co-workers.
Grace: I was risking my life for people who were already dead.
Morgan: This is my son.
Grace: And it's Mo's life! We could have gotten away when Dwight and Sherry gave us the out.
Morgan: That wouldn't have worked.
Grace: You don't know that.
Morgan: I gotta do this. Only way I can be sure I can give that girl what she needs.
Grace: Why?
Morgan: I need to know that I won't let her down.
Grace: You are so scared of the past repeating itself that you don't even realize that you're the one who's making it happen. And now we're trapped in this house that you and Duane lived because you brought us here.