Eph, Nora, Zack and Fet appear to be on a mission to restore power to Red Hook. Will they get those lights back on?

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The Strain
The Strain Season 2 Episode 9: "The Battle For Red Hook"
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The Strain Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Eph: Councilwoman Feraldo, I work with Nora Martinez at the CDC.
Kowalski: Hey hey, get his ass out of here.
Eph: I believe you know my son, Zack.
Feraldo: Yes I do.
Eph: His mother, she's turned. She got into Red Hook last night. She attacked us. She was made up like an uninfected person.
Mayor Lyle: I thought you told me Red Hook was secure?
Feraldo: It is.
Setrakian: It is not. They'll attack again, in greater numbers.

Fet: Alright, I checked all the window grates. No loose bolts. Place is secure as long as we don't...
Zack: No one does anything stupid, like open the door.
Eph: That creature manipulated you. It's not your fault.