EZ and Angel reconnect on Mayans M.C. "Xaman-Ek" is the second episode of the show's second season.

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Mayans M.C.
Mayans M.C. Season 2 Episode 2: "Xaman-Ek"
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Mayans M.C. Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Angel: Pops.
Felipe: Good to see you, son. Travel safe.

Angel: So, you, you just been living with this?
EZ: How the fuck was I supposed to tell you? This is the first time in eight months you've looked me in the eyes.
Angel: Yeah, I get that. Pops know anything about this?
EZ: No.
Angel: Why are you telling me now, man?
EZ: When everything unraveled with Potter, I know I betrayed you. I know staying here in the club, it kept that wound fresh. The life everyone thought I was supposed to have, the one I thought I fucked up, none of that was real. I'm not the golden boy, Angel. I stayed because I was afraid. You and Pop? You're the only thing I know in my life is real. And the club? I need to be a part of something.
Angel: You didn't answer my question.
EZ: I can't lose you, Angel.
Angel: This is the tie that binds. Most people would either put a bullet in his head or walked away from this, but this, bro, this is fucking nuts. You got arrest records, family history, timelines. Jesus Christ, you did a fucking psychological profile on him.
EZ: I had to do something. I have no proof other than what I know I saw. Couldn't take it to the cops. M.C.s relationship with SAMCRO, couldn't take it to Bishop.
Angel: And that look in your eye, brother? Its the same look you had nine years ago. Put you in this whole fucking mess.
EZ: I don't know how to do this.
Angel: You're not gonna let it go until you do. Til it's finished. And now neither will I.