Quentin and his friends learn about how the ancient god Prometheus created the seven keys out of his own power for the questers who would eventually save magic and us all.

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The Magicians
The Magicians Season 3 Episode 13: "Will You Play With Me?"
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The Magicians Season 3 Episode 13 Quotes

Josh: Great! So do we book tickets?
Quentin: It's not a real place. Hold on. So, Ogygi -- Ogygia or however you say it is an island in the fictional tale, The Odyssey. It's a clothing label, Eurovision band, a tech company, and a game --
Josh: Oh my god, I know them. I worship them. They're the Candy Collider people. I nearly spent $600 on level 593. It took me 12 straight days.
Quentin: There are prisons and then there are prisons.
Josh: Right? We're all just 24/7, like my post! Beep-boop. Selfie! Right? No one?

Quentin: So when Prometheus was looking to hide his back door --
Calypso: I had already designed the perfect place. A place full of monsters. A place where no one wants to look. He promised he would make his quest difficult, so no quester could get anywhere near my prison who couldn't ensure it remained secure. He channeled every atom of power into the keys.
Margo: So he like horcruxed himself.
Josh: Jesus, someone got hit hard by the martyr bug.
Calypso: All I can say is he believed in you. He said he saw a time to come when you would save us if you had magic.