This is a still of SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 9 on Paramount+.

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SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 9: "Damage Assessment"
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SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 9 Quotes

Ray: Naima said Clay was shot by a security guard.
Sonny: Security guard? Doing what?
Ray: Sounds like he was involved in an attempted break-in at the Air Force recruitment center.
Sonny: Clay involved in a break-in? There's no fŐ˝cking way. Look, he's had his bumps on the road, okay, but he has his stuff squared away.
Ray: This doesn't make any sense, guys. Naima's gonna keep me updated.

Davis: If you've come to rub my face in it after Bravo achieved mission success, I deserve it.
Command: I wish this was about Bravo.
Davis: What's wrong?
Command: Clay was shot and killed last night.
Davis: What? No, that... that can't be. He's here, he's home with his family. Command: Details are sketchy at the moment.
Davis: This is going to destroy Sonny.