The harsh realities of giving up his principal title have weighed down on Jefferson's mind. Things keep getting worse and worse for him. He needs something good to happen to him soon.

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The CW
Black Lightning
The CW
Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 5: "The Book of Blood: Chapter One: Requiem"
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Black Lightning Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Tobias: Well, if it isn’t the man we all know and love, Councilman Kwame Parker.
Kwame: Tobias Whale. So this is your version of a law-abiding citizen looks like?
Tobias: Depends on what law you’re referring to. I adhere to the law of the jungle. Kill or be killed. Eat or be eaten. Either you’re dining or you’re dinner.

Anissa: Look, I’m sure I’m selfish for just popping by like this, but my uncle ... he died tonight. Yeah, it was unexpected, but it got me thinking. If I knew I only had one day to live, who, besides my family, would I want to spend that day with? I only came up with one name: you.
Grace: What do you expect me to say to something like that?
Anissa: I don’t expect you to say anything.
[They kiss]