Raj and Amy offer to settle an argument with a game of ping pong on The Big Bang Theory. "The Skywalker Incursion" is the 16th episode of the show's eighth season.

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The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory Season 8 Episode 19: "The Skywalker Incursion"
Rajesh "Raj" Koothrappali, Amy Farrah Fowler
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TBBT Photos, The Big Bang Theory Season 8 Episode 19 Photos, Rajesh "Raj" Koothrappali Photos, Amy Farrah Fowler Photos
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The Big Bang Theory Season 8 Episode 19 Quotes

Sheldon: Would you like to play a physics car game I invented called "I Can't Spy"? It's all the nail biting tension of "I Spy," but the added fun of sub-atomic particles and waves outside the visible spectrum.
Leonard: If it's half as much fun as "One Times Ten to the Fourth Bottles of Beer on the Wall," I'm in.

Sheldon: Play that funky music, white boy!
Leonard: I'm surprised you know that reference.
Sheldon: What reference?