Eddie goes to physical therapy with Darcy for the first time and hopes to hash out their differences and get on the right track.

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A Million Little Things
A Million Little Things Season 3 Episode 3: "Letting Go"
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A Million Little Things Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Eddie: I'm getting a vibe that I'm not your favorite person. Let me just address the elephant in the room. This last year, the family has been through a lot. A lot of changes, listen, I know how important you were to Katherine when Delilah and I. well, I'm sure she told you some of the things I did.
Darcy: All of the things.
Eddie: All of the things. OK, that's great. Maybe we can do a little PT on our relationship. Look, somehow Katherine found it in her to give me another chance, and I hope you do too. Because well, as you can see, I'm a different person now.
Darcy: Edward, are you playing the handicap card?
Eddie: Oh, bet I am, yeah.

If we had another month to spend with dad, we would take it.
