Peter ends up opening a restaurant on Family Guy and Joe's friends quickly populate it.

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Family Guy
Family Guy Season 5 Episode 14: "No Meals On Wheels"
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Family Guy Season 5 Episode 14 Quotes

(Peter is buried under Joe and his friends)
Peter: Ben Stiller, help me!
Ben Stiller: No, Peter. I heard what you said about my movies.
Peter: How?
Ben Stiller: (points at his ears) Hello?!
Peter: Ah, go to hell, you mutant offspring of comedy people!

Peter: How can you leave me now Ben Stiller when I need you the most?
Ben Stiller: I'm sorry Peter, but there are other children who need my help.
Peter: I guess I was wrong to think you'd always be with me.
Ben Stiller: I'll always be with you Peter. (His ears start flapping and he flies away)
Peter: His movies are terrible.