This is a still of Sex Education Season 4 Episode 4.

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Sex Education
Sex Education Season 4 Episode 4: "Love Triangles & Betrayals"
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Sex Education Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

Sean: Do you think it's weird if I finish the sweets? She's hardly gonna need them now, is she? Can no one take a joke anymore?
Maeve: Do you remember when Uncle Pat died?
Sean: Um... Yeah, kinda. His funeral was the first time I had beer.
Maeve: You were eight.
Sean: Yeah. Uncle Pat's girlfriend gave it to me. Now she could take a joke.
Maeve: I remember seeing him dead. He didn't look like himself. After that, I couldn't remember what alive Uncle Pat looked like. I don't think I can see Mum like that. If that's okay.
Sean: Yeah.

Aimee: Hi.
Sean: Hi. Um... I'm gonna head off, uh, but Maeve's still in there. She's just finishing her crossword.
Aimee: Okay. Is everythin' all right?
Sean: No, not really. My mum died.
Otis: FŐ˝ck.
Aimee: Oh my God, Sean. I'm so sorry. Should we go and get Maeve?
Sean: Um... I wouldn't. I'd just let her do her thing.
Aimee: Do you wanna sit with us?
Sean: Uh... No.