Maggie spurs Dandy on to action on American Horror Story: Freak Show. "Tupperware Party Massacre" is the ninth episode of the show's fourth season.

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American Horror Story
American Horror Story Season 4 Episode 9: "Tupperware Party Massacre"
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American Horror Story Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

Dot: I am so tired of this life of ours, Bette. This infinite, intolerable arranged marriage. Aren't you tired of it? And I don't want you dead. I don't. I just never dreamed it might be possible for one of us to live a normal life.
Bette: Mother refused to buy us lace-up shoes cause she insisted we'd never be able to tie them. But we spent hours working it out until we finally cracked it. Same with needlepoint. There was nothing we could not work through when we put our heads together. No one can understand our burden. You and I have endured a life that would have driven most people mad, but to me, it's been a gift, really. We've been given the opportunity to really love another person. To love them as you love yourself. And love is about sacrifice. It's answering the question how much would you give for the health and happiness of the one you love.

Dandy: I cannot begin to tell you how it felt. The kind of control over their lives. Their trust, their fear, their pain, their confusion. I believe I am living my destiny. I'm finally happy, Regina.
Regina: Well, good for you. They're not.