The Flash is about to run through the party. Hopefully not too slow, as if he's going very slowly, then people will see his face and recognize him. Then again, why would they recognize him with the mask but not, say, Black Canary when her mask is smaller? Why does Barry have to quiver to remain incognito? The inconsistencies of superheroes.

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The CW
The Flash
The Flash Season 2 Episode 10: "Potential Energy"
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The Flash Photos, The Flash Season 2 Episode 10 Photos
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The Flash Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Barry: I have spent most of my life feeling very unlucky.
Patty: Yeah, and now?
Barry: It feels like I've been struck by lightning twice.

Captain: Nice to meet ya, Wally. Your pops here is a hell of a detective.
Wally: Obviously not.