Olivia goes on the offensive when her personal life is scrutinized on Law & Order: SVU. "Mood" is the second episode of the show's 19th season.

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Law & Order: SVU
Law & Order: SVU Season 19 Episode 2: "Mood"
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Law & Order: SVU Season 19 Episode 2 Quotes

Rollins: We really should get you to the hospital.
Savannah: Why?
Rollins: There's this thing called a rape kit. It can give us traces of the rapist's DNA.
Savannah: He made me shower for a long time. I heard this ticking. I don't think they're going to find anything.

Michelle: Cards on the table. When they found William Lewis, you'd beaten him to a bloody pulp.
Olivia: When I finally got to the other side, when I knew I was gonna live, I was gonna be okay, I realized I wanted more. More than the job. More than the relationship. The reason I fought so hard was for Noah. And I hadn't even met him yet. The thing I'm guilty of is I was distracted. I was on the phone. I took my eyes off him for one second. That's what I did wrong.