Jefferson is on the hunt for his father's killer on Black Lightning. "Three Sevens: The Book of Thunder" is the sixth episode of the show's first season.

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The CW
Black Lightning
Black Lightning Season 1 Episode 6: "Three Sevens: The Book of Thunder"
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Black Lightning Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Tobias: What the hell happened to you?
Joey: I just fought Black Lightning. One more minute and he would have been dead. Something’s wrong with his head.
Tobias: So, why didn’t you finish him?
Joey: I tried, I was holding my own. He trashed my gun. I tipped our guy at the department.
Tobias: There was a time you could depend on white boys to be professional. Nowadays, white boys are just as lazy and predictable as your brothers.

Jefferson: Tobias is in Freeland, Gambi.
Gambi: Breathe, Jefferson, Breathe!