Olivia and Broyles look on in this Fringe scene. It's taken from the episode "Reciprocity."

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Fringe Season 3 Episode 11: "Reciprocity"
Olivia Dunham
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Fringe Photos, Fringe Season 3 Episode 11 Photos, Olivia Dunham Photos
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Fringe Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

Walter: It's song lyric. Fauxlivia ruined U2 for all of us.
Nina: Fauxlivia?
Peter: That's what Walter's calling her now. Fauxlivia; as in fake Olivia.
Nina: Aah.

Walter: You have any chewing guy?
Guard: Excuse me?
Peter: I'm sorry, he has this thing with he ears.
Walter: It's not a thing with my ears. It's a blocked Eustachian tube, and it's a perfectly natural reaction. Any flavor will do, although I'm rather partial to grape.