Jordan and Cain travel to an oil field explosion to treat the wounded on The Night Shift. "Do No Harm" is the third episode of the show's fourth season.

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The Night Shift
The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 3: "Do No Harm"
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Albuquerque, NM
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The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Scott: I'm going to need you to prepare him. The state of that arm, I don't think we're going to be able to save his hand.
Drew: Great, this job's hard enough to do with two hands, how's he going to do it with one?
Scott: Maybe the tests will tell a different story, but I wouldn't count on it.

Jordan: So it's okay for you to go out there, but not for me?
Cain: Yes, because I am more expendable.
Jordan: Wow, you have a God complex like the rest of us?
Cain: I used to, but my old life in Mexico beat it out of me.
Jordan: It's pretty rough down there, huh?
Cain: I was referring to my ex-wife.