Elizabeth just can't believe her run of bad luck on Madam Secretary Season 3 Episode 17

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Madam Secretary
Madam Secretary Season 3 Episode 17: "Convergence"
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Madam Secretary Season 3 Episode 17 Quotes

Henry [upon opening a toy engine kit his father left for him]: Hey, Jace, you wanna help me see if we can finally get this thing to work?
Jason: Uh, and foster a legacy of inter generational cruelty? I think I'll pass.

Elizabeth: Okay, I want a name. Who took the last donut?
Nadine [after no one responds]: It was me, ma'am.
Elizabeth: Noble gesture, Nadine, but I didn't spend the last 20 years in the CIA profiling dissemblers and liars for nothing. Got anything to say, Matt?
Matt: Is that a new jacket?