Deputy Chief Garland's wife offers tea while Garland struggles to process the arrest of his pastor and friend on Law & Order: SVU Season 21 Episode 18.

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Law & Order: SVU
Law & Order: SVU Season 21 Episode 18: "Garland's Baptism By Fire"
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Law & Order: SVU Season 21 Episode 18 Quotes

Benson: Because I trust you and the community trusts you, I might need your help with this.
Garland: Okay. In this case, Laura Chase pulled me aside and said she was worried about the embezzlement charges. Might be an opening.

Carisi: We got a tip about a sexual predator.
Garland: This couldn't wait?
Rollins: The informant was worried about whether your would let the case go forward because you personally know the accused.
Garland: Of course. Who is it?
Carisi: Reverend Dominick Chase.
Benson: Is he the one who just said Grace? How well do you know him?
Garland: He and his wife Laura are like family. He ministered at my wedding.