In a scene from "Desperately Seeking Serena," the 15th episode from the first season of Gossip Girl, Nate Archibald (Chace Crawford) is off to school... and out to lunch. His life has taken a number of twists and turns that leave him uncertain who he is becoming.

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Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl Season 1 Episode 15: "Desperately Seeking Serena"
Nate Archibald
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Gossip Girl Photos, Gossip Girl Season 1 Episode 15 Photos, Nate Archibald Photos
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Gossip Girl Season 1 Episode 15 Quotes

Isabel: So how did you get Todd to play along?
Blair: Hey Is... what are you doing tonight?
Isabel: Uh, not Todd.
Blair: Fine, I guess I'll have to come up with something else.

So you want to distance yourself from your mistakes by staying away from me.
