Kyle's first day in HR is not what he bargained for on Last Man Standing. "HR's Rough n' Stuff" is the ninth episode of the show's seventh season.

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Last Man Standing
Last Man Standing Season 7 Episode 8: "HR's Rough n' Stuff"
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Last Man Standing Season 7 Episode 8 Quotes

Kyle: So, this was a setup?
Mike: It wasn't a setup. It was more of a test.
Kyle: If this was a test, did I pass?
Mike: Well, how do you think you did?
Kyle: I don't mean to boast, but I think I got a solid C.
Ed: I think I will give you an A+.
Mike: I am a little tougher than Ed, but I will give you an A+ too. Listen, you know how people should be treated. That gooey dare I say, liberal heart of yours, is why I put you in HR. It is where you belong.
Kyle: Thank you!

You know what, forget the binder. I want you all to look at each other and think about the mean and dismissive words you've used at this meeting. Like bastard and bonehead, that is not how coworkers talk to each other. It is definitely not how friends should. At Outdoor Man, we are not just coworkers. We're not just friends. We're family. It is time you guys started acting like one.
- Kyle