Noma, the Chosen One's angelic protector, will stay at his side throughout the journey ahead. Will Alex begin trusting her again? Is romance in their future, or does Claire still have his heart?

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Dominion Season 2 Episode 1: "Heirs of Salvation"
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Dominion Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Alex: That bomb changes everything.
Noma: We should head straight for Vega.
Alex: No, I'm not leading Gabriel back to Claire. New Delphi's half the distance, we'll go there.
Noma: New Delphi? Michael told me to stay away.
Alex: That's why we're going. If Michael's nervous about New Delphi there's a reason. They have an army, one I can help join Vega against Gabriel.

Alex: As long as you honor our deal, I'm here.
Gabriel: Maybe the deal was premature. Maybe sparing Claire, Vega, your unborn baby was too much to offer.
Alex: If you ever threaten them again, you can find someone else to help you with your daddy issues.
Gabriel: Finally, some life in the boy yet.