Gigi has let the twins get away with a lot, but is bringing their dad to the Riviera too much?

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Grand Hotel
Grand Hotel Season 1 Episode 10: "Suite Little Lies"
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Grand Hotel Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Ingrid: Mateo, I know we've had our issues, but with everything that's happened I was just really hoping that we could start over. Friends?
Mateo: Don't read into my kindness, Ingrid. We're coworkers, that's it.

Gigi: I didn't lie to you about Felix. I just didn't tell you he was here.
Santiago: Oh, don't play games. You kept this from me.
Gigi: You're lecturing me about keeping secrets. That's pretty ballsy, even for you.
Santiago: He's in that room Gigi, how could you let him stay there?
Gigi: I didn't. The girls put him there. Yolanda had the key somehow.
Santiago: I'm gonna call the police.
Gigi: Like you did ten years ago? Yeah, Felix told me you're the one that turned him in.
Santiago: He stole millions not just from me from many others. Why does it matter who blew the whistle?
Gigi: Because you ripped my family apart. I had no warning Santiago. I had nobody to help me or the girls.
Santiago: I helped you.
Gigi: Yeah, you lit the fire, and then you swooped in and put it out. What a hero you are.