One Last Name Tag - Superstore Season 6 Episode 14

Amy (America Ferrera) puts on a Cloud 9 vest and a name tag for the very last time.

The Dream Team - Superstore Season 6 Episode 14

Amy (America Ferrera) and Jonah (Ben Feldman) are back co-leading Cloud 9 employees on one last adventure.

Awkward - Superstore Season 6 Episode 14

Cheyenne (Nichole Sakura) did not tell Jonah about Amy's return because she thought it would be awkward.

Their Number One Fan - Superstore Season 6 Episode 14

Sandra (Kaliko Kauahi) is excited about Amy and Jonah's reunion.

An Emotional Moment - Superstore Season 6 Episode 15

Dina (Lauren Ash) seems to be having an emotional moment. What could make her so emotional?

A Video Conference - Superstore Season 6 Episode 14

Cheyenne (Nichole Sakura), Glenn (Mark McKinney), and Dina (Lauren Ash) talk to Amy over video chat.

The Bad News - Superstore Season 6 Episode 14

Mateo (Nico Santos) finds out about Zephra's untimely plans for Cloud 9.

Amy's Back - Superstore Season 6 Episode 14

Amy (America Ferrera) is back in St. Louis to help save Store 1217.

Best Friends Reunited - Superstore Season 6 Episode 15

Amy (America Ferrera) and Dina (Lauren Ash) reunite after another month apart.

The Analyst - Superstore Season 6 Episode 14

Amy (America Ferrera), Dina (Lauren Ash), and Glenn (Mark McKinney) brief the employees on the analyst that is coming to review their store.

A New Lead - Superstore Season 6 Episode 13

Jonah (Ben Feldman) looks into a new lead Sandra shows him.

Helping Jonah - Superstore Season 6 Episode 13

Sandra (Kaliko Kauahi) volunteers to help Jonah stalk someone on social media.

NBC Quotes

Now I know you're telling the truth because no one would ever lie about doing something that heartless.


So now Zoey can manipulate the laws of physics too? This is really incredible.
