Rich Girl - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 5

Isabella is the wealthiest girl in the small town of Chatham. Will her worldly ways work in the small town?

Pregnancy Scandal - Cruel Summer

Megan is pregnant? It's the shocking news that has changed everything in her relationship with Luke.

Summer Romance - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 4

Isabella and Luke are exploring their crushes on each other. What will they do before they decide to stay friends?

Globetrotter - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 4

Isabella is a jetsetter. She has traveled all over the world and has lived in many different countries. How will she respond to Chatham?

Hurt Ego - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 4

Jeff is all smiles in the summer of 1999, but he'll soon be a hurt jerk after Megan rejects his advances.

Scholarship - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 4

Megan Landry is afraid that her future will be taken away due to the sex tape. She doesn't want to lose her scholarship.

Family Expectations - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 4

Luke Chambers has a lot on pressure put on him by his father, Steve. He's expected to go to the same school and business.

Unforeseen Victim - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 4

Isabella has been caught in a web of lies. Pretending to be on the tape has made her a pariah in Chatham.

Sex, Lies & Videotapes - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 4

Megan Landry will do whatever it takes to keep the truth of the sextape hidden. She's upset that her mother knows the truth.

Summer Fling - Cruel Summer

Luke and Isabella are getting hot and heavy during her first summer at Chatham. Will they take their romance any further?

Fresh Start - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 3

Megan and Isabella are trying to have a fresh start for their time together as friends. How will the plan come to be?

The Sex Tape - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 3

Megan and Luke were recorded one night while they were together. Who was the monster that recorded their hookup?

Freeform Quotes

Jace: You experimented on me?
Valentine: I made you stronger, faster; more lethal than any other Shadowhunter.
Jace: Why?
Valentine: To create the perfect weapon, the ideal marriage of good and evil: A Shadowhunter with pure demon blood.

Isabelle: Any word from the Clave?
Lydia: Not yet. We've been trying for the past four hours. Something's up.
Magnus: Hmmm. The Clave being unhelpful? Who's shocked?! Show of hands.