Negan finds native New Yorkers on The Walking Dead: Dead City. "Who's There?" is the second episode of the show's first season.

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The Walking Dead: Dead City
The Walking Dead: Dead City Season 1 Episode 2: "Who's There?"
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The Walking Dead: Dead City Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

I said... Knock, knock! Hey, easy there, neckbeard. Holy shit, are you kidding me? Seriously? You have a neckbeard and a rattail? I mean, I get it. The world went to hell and you stopped giving a shit, but my dude, there is a line. So how about you put your helmet back on, tuck all that shit back away and stop being such a distraction to the rest of us? Now, where the hell was I? Oh. Right. Knock, knock! Who's there? Butter. Butter who? Well, you butter get out your umbrellas 'cause it is about to goddamn rain. Now, I don't know if any of you have checked tonight's forecast, but if I see even one mole hair on one of your ugly ass faces, it won't be just a rainstorm. Hell, it won't be a thunderstorm. It'll be a goddamn hurricane!


Negan: We didn't have much of a choice. They had guns, if you don't recall. Guns or whatever the hell those things were.
Maggie: Either way, we fight back and we end up with holes in our skulls.
Negan: Or theirs.
Maggie: Maybe.
Negan: But then what do we got?
Maggie: Us not being here.
Negan: I am pretty sure that we are here because you spun some yarn about Canada and a shipwreck that reeked of bullshit, Maggie.
Maggie: Should I have told them the truth?
Negan: Yeah. We give a little. They give a little. That's how it works. I mean, sure, they stuck us in some dank ass bathroom. Right or wrong, they had their reasons, which, by the way, makes them useful.
Maggie: For what?
Negan: Manpower, information.
Maggie: Information?
Negan: That's what I thought you were here for.
Maggie: Been pretty tight-lipped about the Croat.
Negan: Right around the time that the world turned into shit soup, the Croat showed up at my door, so to speak. He had been through... Well, let's just say he had been through some really bad shut. Worst shit imaginable. So I took him in. Kept him from brain-painting the walls. Pretty soon he was calling me his brother, Buraz. He said that I made him feel safe. Well, I guess at that point everybody was looking for a little sanctuary from the hellfire we'd all been damned to. I mean, we'd lost everything. The thing is I um... I really thought I was helping him.
Maggie: It takes a monster to make one, I guess.
Negan: No. No. You see, I was only a monster when I absolutely had to be. When I had to put on a show to protect my people. Anyway, the... The Croat, he had a way of, um... Reading people. And then toying with them. And pulling them apart. When a threat needed to be handled, it was a skill set that I found very useful.
Maggie: He was your torturer.
Negan: He took it too far. It was, um... One of our first skirmishes with the Kingdom before your time. A person had been holed up in a car a couple of miles from the sanctuary. It seemed to me she was a... drifter. Nothing to do with us or anything we were up to. So I gave a direct order. Let her walk. But the Croat, he, uh, he saw it differently. Thought that the, uh... Thought that she had beans to spill. And he was right. She was a... a scout. At least that's what she copped to before, uh... before he... She was just a kid. So after that, I knew that he was a rabid dog that needed to be put down. I had one shot. One. I missed. Blew off his ear. The rest of him got away. I haven't seen or heard from him since. Until now, of course.
Maggie: So he's gonna want to kill you?
Negan: He sure is.
Maggie: You didn't think to tell me this before?
Negan: I do know how he operates, Maggie.
Maggie: Of course you do.