Mr. Chuck is the man. Here he is in a photo from "Witches of Bushwick."

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The CW
Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl Season 4 Episode 9: "The Witches of Bushwick"
Chuck Bass
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Gossip Girl Photos, Gossip Girl Season 4 Episode 9 Photos, Chuck Bass Photos
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Gossip Girl Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

Hey Serena, it's me. I saw your thing in The Post. Just wanted you to know that Brooklyn is a great place to avoid nasty looks. Unless you throw your recycling in the regular trash or try to open a chain store with questionable labor practices.


Serena: Hey, why are you guys eating? I thought we were going to Sarabeth's.
Eric: Ah, we decided we could spread out better here. There's more room to work.
Serena: On what, your calculus homework?
Eric: Your love life. It's a little something called "Dan vs. Nate". We're here to help.
Elliot: And we brought protractors.