Things come to a head on Tulsa King Season 1 Episode 9 as forces close in on Dwight and his emerging family. Who will be left standing in the end?

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Tulsa King
Tulsa King Season 1 Episode 9: "Happy Trails"
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Tulsa King Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Dwight: I've seen some tough women in my life, but sweetheart, you take the cake. I owe you my life, you know that.
Stacy: No shit.
Dwight: I know we don't have a traditional relationship.
Stacy: Oh, this isn't normal to you?
Dwight: I'm gonna find this Waltrip.
Stacy: No, you're not. He's gone.

Dwight: Are you even a lawyer?
Elliott: If I'm not, I just committed a felony.