It's time for the Miss Teen annual pageant on Riverdale. "Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Two: Miss Teen Riverdale" is the 15th episode of the show's seventh season.

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The CW
Riverdale Season 7 Episode 15: "Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Two: Miss Teen Riverdale"
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Riverdale Season 7 Episode 15 Quotes

Alice: You know, I was Miss Riverdale Teen Queen back in my day.
Betty: I know. Everyone knows.
Alice: The night I was crowned, it was the greatest night of my life. I thought I could do anything. Be anything. You know, well, it’s silly, but I thought I might grow up to be a stewardess and travel the world to see glamorous places.
Betty: You wanted to be a stewardess? That I did not know.

Betty: Ethel, you’re so beautiful. Why aren’t you competing?
Ethel: I couldn’t. You heard what your mom said about being Miss Riverdale Teen Queen. She’s supposed to embody the best of the town. Be Riverdale’s ideal girl. That’s not me, Betty. I’m the girl whose parents were murdered. The girl who’s quiet and likes comic books and draws creepy pictures. No one in their right mind would crown me Miss Riverdale Teen Queen.