Yeah, we're still on the "Kara and Maggie get in an argument" train, as it looks like poor Alex is getting stuck in the middle of the two women. We don't know what happened, but Maggie does not look happy and Alex appears to be the peacemaker.

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The CW
Supergirl Season 2 Episode 19: "Alex"
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Supergirl Season 2 Episode 19 Quotes

Rhea: I wish I had a daughter like you. Your mother must be proud.
Lena: Well that's not how I'd describe her.
Rhea: Mothers and daughters, not always the easiest relationship.
Lena: More like apocalyptic, but you know...

Mon-El: Alex, don't be embarrassed, ok? The first time I tried to microwave macaroni and cheese, they had to evacuate three city blocks.
Kara: That's an exaggeration, but I have seen less terrifying nuclear explosions.