Metallo breaks Lillian out of prison and Lena is blamed, but that doesn't stop Metallo from returning to visit Lena. Is he going to break her out too?

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The CW
Supergirl Season 2 Episode 12: "Luthors"
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Supergirl Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Snapper: This time we need more than just a quote, otherwise it's just another conspiracy theory for Twitter.
Kara: Well, I'll keep digging then.
Snapper: Your gumption annoys me to no end. But keep gumptioning for tomorrow's cover.
Kara: Tomorrow? But that'll be too late. By then everyone will think she's guilty already.
Snapper: Everyone will think she's guilty today. Tomorrow's another story.
Kara: But once it's out there, it's out there. I mean, people still think Macaulay Culkin is dead.

Alex: I just wanted to let you know that Maggie and I are dating.
Mon-El: Oh, that was the thing. Okay. Is that like a problem here on Earth?
Alex: Well, on Earth, you know, not everybody supports ladies loving ladies.
Mon-El: Oh, well on Daxam it's the more the merrier.