Fet and Setrakian meet with Cardinal McNamara to discuss the Lumen. Will the church opt to go with the highest bidder?

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The Strain
The Strain Season 2 Episode 8: "Intruders"
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The Strain Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Cardinal Macnamara: There are other interested parties.
Palmer: Who? Is one of them Abraham Setrakian? The man's not a serious player. He's wasting your time.
Cardinal Macnamara: I appreciate the advice.
Palmer: Name a figure that will close the deal right now.
Cardinal Macnamara: I can't. Not as long as there are other bidders.
Palmer: Don't play games with me Paul. You'll regret it.
Eichhorst: I can attest to that.

Now, we mustn't forget the eyes. They are after all, the windows to the soul. See, I was correct, this is the mother our dear Zack cries for in the night.
