Bet you ten bucks this guy's still breathing thanks to Aaron. Is the mysterious stranger one of the 12 Monkeys? What do Cole and Aaron want with him? Tune in Friday, February 20 to 12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 6 to find out!

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12 Monkeys
12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 6: "The Red Forest"
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12 Monkeys Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Ramse: Who the hell is this?
Cole: Hey it's me, it's Cole.
Ramse: I buried Cole. I covered the grave myself.
Cole: Wait a minute, I just came out of that machine.
Ramse: Nothing comes from there.
Cole: Alright, you and I, we left the West VII. Jones and her crew took us in.
Ramse: No.
Cole: Hey, only girl you've ever loved is Elena. Your mother's name is Roberta. You told me once she's pretty and that whenever I make jokes about banging her you laugh but I know secretly it pisses you off.
Ramse: Cole?
Cole: It's good to see you too.

Jones: Where do you come from?
Cole: From your machine over there.
Jones: I remember all the faces of the men that went in there. Yours is not one of them. They never came back.