In the season finale, a boxed-in Fisk and a desperate Murdock, Foggy and Karen are forced to play their end games.

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Daredevil Season 1 Episode 13: "Daredevil"
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Daredevil Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Leland: All right, okay, Jesus. I figured you'd find out sooner or later. What's a guy gonna do?
Fisk: Wesley found out, didn't he? He confronted you and you shot him.
Leland: I have no idea what happened to Wesley. I wasn't a part of that.
Fisk: But you had something to do with the benefit, didn't you? You and Gao? She's gone, you're stealing from me.
Leland: It's not what you think.
Fisk: You tried to kill me.
Leland: The poisonings at the benefit were just to make it look like someone was trying to get at you. But you were never the target.
Fisk: Vanessa?

Father Lantom: How you holding up?
Matt: Like a good Catholic boy.
Father Lantom: That bad, huh?
Matt: He was a good man. And he's gone because I haven't stopped what's happening to this city.
Father Lantom: Can't put that on yourself, Matthew. You've done everything you can. A lot you probably shouldn't have.
Matt: And here we are.