Marion Crane is getting ready to leave the motel at Norman's insistence.

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Bates Motel
Bates Motel Season 5 Episode 6: "Marion"
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Bates Motel Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Norman: The only secret between us is that you don't exist. I made you up. My mother is not here. Now get out of my way.
Mother: If I'm not here, then why am I here?
Norman: Because of the girl who checked in. Because she's attractive. You see? Now I'm starting to understand it all now.

Mother: What kind of game are we playing tonight, Norman?
Norman: It's not a game. I'm insane. Can't keep things straight. I forgot that I cleaned up.
Mother: You're mad because I left.
Norman: I'm not mad. Except in a British sense of the word like the Mad Hatter. In that way I am mad. But the world is full of mad people that function, many of whom are heads of state so I think I can manage running a motel.