On The Orville Season 2 Episode 8, Malloy (Scott Grimes) expresses his feelings for Isaac (Mark Jackson) in song

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The Orville
The Orville Season 2 Episode 8: "Identity, Pt.1"
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The Orville Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Grayson: If you've been reading Isaac's reports, you must know a few things about us humans.
Kaylon Primary: You are primitive biological organisms.
Grayson: Maybe so. But our emotions can get pretty complicated. We tend to get attached to things... and to people.
Kaylon Primary: A cognitive defect.

Isaac: There should be no shame in the acknowledgment of one's intellectual inferiority. It is simply a statement of fact. Some beings are more intelligent than others. I am more intelligent than you.
Ty: But it's not nice.