Reed tries to make a deal so he can reunite with his family.

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The Gifted
The Gifted Season 1 Episode 3: "eXodus"
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The Gifted Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Scotty: So what do I call you? Destructo? Get it?
Andy: I get it. Please, don't!

Jace: Turner?
Roderick: Hello, this is Dr. Roderick Campbell, head of research over at-
Jace: Yeah, I'm familiar with your work.
Roderick: Of course. I understand you had a bit of a setback last night
Jace: It happens. We're moving our prisoners to a detainable facility. We'll get what we need.
Roderick: Look, Agent Turner, I'm calling because I'm quite interested in this case. In particular the Strucker children. I know your team already uses some of our resources. I'd like to propose a partnership of sorts.
You provide me with access to your suspects and I'll provide yo-
Jace: Yeah we don't hand our suspects over to contractors.
Roderick: I know this is unorthodox, but I think I'd be very helpful in this investigation.
Jace: Listen, I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid it's out of the question. Thank you.