This is a still of The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 22.

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The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 22: "Faith"
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The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 22 Quotes

Luke: These guys in white gear, they showed up and... Said they were from the Commonwealth. And they just took over.
Aaron: But we made a deal with them.
Jules: Well, I don't know what kind of deal you made, but something must've changed because they're tracking us right now.
Luke: Yeah, and if they find us, we're dead. I suggest we get as far the hell away from Oceanside as humanly possible.

Negan: Hey. What's a person gotta do to get a little break around here? Soldier: What'd you say to me? Prisoner?
Negan: No, man, I'm not talking about me. My wife. I'll pick up a couple extra shifts so maybe she can, you know, have her workload loosened.
Soldier: The Commonwealth doesn't make deals.
Negan: No, I am not talking about the Commonwealth, man. I am talking about you.