As George grows closer to finding what he is after, the debris that Orbital has collected begins a mysterious process on Debris Season 1 Episode 12.

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Debris Season 1 Episode 12: "A Message From Ground Control"
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Debris Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

They're selecting debris for a reason.


Finola: Dad. I think it's really great that you're remembering more now. I just need to know when you remember. We need to know if you remember why Maddox wants you dead.
George: I have been thinking about that. Maybe it's because he fears what he can't control.
Finola: What do you mean he fears what he can't control?
George: Well, he works for government. That's what governments do. Even alone, the subjugation of India. Colonization. Right here in the US, the massacre at Wounded Knee, the Japanese internment camps. I mean, do I need to go on? Governments are created to serve the public interest and everywhere, inevitably, they serve their own, and people are left to suffer. Please, sweetheart. Be careful of this so-called coalition.
Finola: I know. I believe in Bryan, but Orbital doesn't feel like a coalition at all.
George: Smart girl.