Luis (Ignacio Serricchio) comes in to kiss Sage goodbye as the two of them breakup when Sage can't deal with how narrow minded Luis is.

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Warner Bros.
Privileged Season 1 Episode 18: "All About a Brand New You"
Sage Baker
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Privileged Season 1 Episode 18 Quotes

Rose [taking out knife]: This is a survival kit
Megan: Oh i'm gonna hate this story, aren't it?
Rose: You know how I moved in to my own room about a month ago after I found out you guys all lied to me about different stuff?
Megan: You decided to kill us and leave our bodies in the woods?
Rose: Wow, that's super dark megan

Megan: Some might say she's single handedly revitalizing the economy with her shopping addiction
Rami: Some might ask you to take that silver lining and hang me with it