Lucious makes a plan to take down his enemies once and for all. Is it too late?

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Empire Season 6 Episode 4: "Tell the Truth"
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Empire Season 6 Episode 4 Quotes

Becky: Gladys, hey!
Giselle: Don't say Hi to Gladys, we don't work at Empire anymore. We run Bossy Media, remember?
Becky: Excuse you, I was well-loved here.
Giselle: But, she's not your co-worker anymore.
Becky: I know. We are the competition.
Giselle: This is a negotiation, so when Andre tries to pat our heads.
Becky: No one's patting my head.
Giselle: Shut that condescension down.

Andre: This meeting and deal are off.
Becky: Okay, not what I was expecting.
Giselle: What's going on, Andre?
Andre: Your fingerprints are all over that stunt Tiana pulled. You met with her, unsanctioned, and put a bat on your back.
Giselle: Because that was our bright idea to get you to agree to a collab with our artist?
Becky: Exactly, and you know that this collab is going to rehab Tiana's career. You've seen me do this with artists for years.
Andre: I'll get Tiana back on track without the help of your little label.
Becky, Giselle: Oh, little label.
Andre: Which won't be working with Tiana or any Empire artist ever.