Kate and Toby's relationship is on the right path but don't expect them to get married anytime soon. They love each other, they want to be with each other but we can all agree, they have a long way to go. Before fully committing, they have to get to know each other and themselves.

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This Is Us
This Is Us Season 2 Episode 1: "A Father's Advice"
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This Is Us Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

I said no. But your father was so sure I was tired and I was grieving and he just kept pushing me. He was so determined that you were meant to be. Meant to be ours. Sometimes, in marriage, someone has to be the one to push to make the big moves. And oftetimes in our marriage, yes, it was your father. Our marriage wasn't perfect, it's true, but none are. And your father wasn't perfect either, but he was pretty damn close. As close as they come. He pushed a stranger on me, and the stranger became my child and that child became my life. He became you."


I'm a 37-year-old woman. And I shouldn't need to be pushed or coddled. Not by a man, not by my husband, not by my brother, not by anyone!
