Love is in her garden and in her element but her mind is distracted with other things on YOU Season 3 Episode 8.

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YOU Season 3 Episode 9: "Red Flag", YOU Season 3 Episode 10: "What is Love?", YOU Season 3 Episode 8: "Swing and Miss"
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YOU Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

I have some absolute fucking weirdos in the basement, but in their own weirdo way, the Conrads bring out the best in each other. Now Love and me, we bring out something in each other, and that's why I need to get out. In Love's mind, we're f finally on the same page and face adversity as a united front.

Joe Voiceover

This wasn't the plan, but I can't blame you, you're trying to solve an impossible problem, Ryan.

Joe Voiceover