Jughead uses his time at the lake house to look for answers on Riverdale. "Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Hills Have Eyes" is the 14th episode of the show's second season.

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The CW
Riverdale Season 2 Episode 14: "Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Hills Have Eyes"
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Riverdale Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

Jughead: Hello?
Cheryl: How’s the lake house? Are you all settled in and spooning yet?
Jughead: Who is this?
Cheryl: It’s Cheryl, you welfare baby.
Jughead: Is something wrong?
Cheryl: Not yet. I just wanna make sure you know that Archie and Betty kissed in front of my house right before Christmas and it seemed plenty serious, like with tongue serious. That’s all! Enjoy your couples-only weekend, kisses to all. Bye now!
[He hangs up the phone]

Penelope: You have no right to judge me! Not when you drove the one decent chance I had at a better life.
Cheryl: You mean with Hal Cooper? If that’s your idea of love...
[Penelope grabs Cheryl by the arm as Cheryl walks away]
Penelope: What would you know about it? You’ve never known love, Cheryl, except to rip it apart. Cause you are a jealous, spite-filled, starving, emotional anorexic. Have a nice day at school, dear.
[Penelope walks away]